What or who is the soulmate?  Is he the one who is exact replica of you or is he the one whom you can tell everything you feel without fear of being judged or misinterpreted or is he the one who feels what you feel, loves unknowingly the same thing you love, hates the same person you hate or is he the one who is not like you, who can't feel your pain, can't share the same likings or dislikings, but, is there for you always, knowing you will fail but still wants to be by your side? 
So, that's what I think. Does any of this give slightest hint about love?  I guess, NO. Then, why people who love each other keep saying that they have found their respective soulmates? All the cases I have considered, greatly imply that all the qualities of a soulmate are those which are possessed by your real best friend. Isn't it true? 


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