People are not meant to be happy. They are not born to achieve a perfect life. It's us, who have created this myth, that each soul should have his satisfaction. Well, life certainly doesn't do that.

What a person needs to be happy ? Which are those few things people think are mandatory to be happy ? A few, countable on fingers of our hands.

Enough money, a sound body, some respect and love. And yet, very few have all of these. We keep slogging for more money. Health, a good one, is bestowed upon many, but not all.

Respect,  that's the relative concept. Many pine for it and don't get it even after a lifetime. And many don't even understand whether they have it enough.

 And at last, love. What a delusion! We, all chase it. Some love and don't get it in return. Some don't and get it in abundance and don't even want it. A few lucky ones, love and get loved by the same person. But,  there are many who don't love and don't even get it. Therefore, love in any form is a blessing. If you love and don't get reciprocated, it's still a blessing. It's always better than not knowing what love is.


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